Monday, April 23, 2007

Chapter 1

Skully One-Eye first needed to recruit a crew. The port he was dropped off at was a pirate port and he should not have any problems finding a good crew. This port had a very infamous street where hookers lined the sidewalks and pirates came and chose to their pickins. So Skully One-Eye thought he would just “check out the days menu”. He saw some one legged, some bald, and some with barely any teeth, but nothing to his liking. Just when he was about to leave the street and grab a bottle of rum, he saw one fine lady sitting on the sidewalk crying. Skully One-Eye asks the girl why is she crying? The girl says its “because my lover left me and my goat ran away!!” “Oh that’s tragic” Skully One-Eye says. “But why are you sitting on the sidewalk on Hookers’ Alley?” The girl replies “I was checking out the menu”. Skully One-Eye forgot that mixed up with the female hookers there were male hookers also, but they all look the same on this nasty street. “Well Lady what is yer name?” Finale The Periwinkle replies the girl. “Well Finale The Periwinkle do I have an offer for ye!” Skully One-Eye explained the situation and she gladly accepted.

It was now time to find his ol’ friend (Lurg The Fist), who would be his first mate. And Skully One-Eye knew exactly where to find him. No doubt he would be at the Ports’ cockfights. Skully One-Eye and Finale went to the cockfights and found LURG THE FIST front and center.

Skully One-Eye went up to his ol’ friend and said Yo Matey! LURG THE FIST got up and punched him square in the jaw. “Ye owe me 200 schilling ye bastard” proclaimed LURG THE FIST. “Yes about that”, Skully One-Eye explained, “ Ill get ye yer money, but first I have an offer to make to ye, I want you to be my first mate on the ship I am planning to commandeer. LURG THE FIST accepted and he, Skully One-Eye, and Finale began an open interview at the locale town hall, which is really a bar.

Oh the many types of characters that came through the interview. There were men, women, children, elderly, good-looking, nasty uglies, and dogs, they all came and interviewed. The first person of potential interest was this woman whom looked very familiar to Skully One-Eye. As they would later find out the woman was the IDENTICAL long lost twin of VEMON KISSER whom was on the Skull Galleon (just as recently as the day before) with Skully One-Eye for many years, but Skully One-Eye could not remember where he knew her from, apparently his years on the Skull Galleon was a drunken blur and he couldn’t remember his ol mateys. “I say, you look oddly familiar to me, how do I know you? Did we sleep together?” Skully One-Eye can be very absent minded sometimes. The issue of VEMON KISSER and PIRATE BELLA THE BITTER identities of being long lost twins will be later revealed months later when Skully One-Eye randomly remembers VEMON KISSER from the Skull Galleon. Anyways needless to say PIRATE BELLA THE BITTER joined the merry group of pirates. By the end of the day all the crew had been assembled.

There was Skully One-Eye the Captain, a dashing, charming, ambitious young pirate, who was greatly skilled with the cannon; and quick with the sword or dagger. Next there was LURG THE FIST the first mate, he’s a highly skilled swordsman, and I great battle planner, and a sinister pirate who takes mercy on no one, Lurg is one of the most vicious pirates on the seas. Next there is YELLOW HACKINS the 2nd mate, She is a stragic battle planner and great at planning advancements upon pillaging villages and attacking other ships. YELLOW HACKINS was brought on board because Skully One-Eye had a thing for her…. But as rumor has it, she has a thing for fish. Then there is URSULA BIRDWIND the ships cook, AUDRA BELLAMY the ships entertainment whom is quick with a gun; AUDRA BELLAMY also had an instant attraction to LURG THE FIST. There’s CHESTER BUOY, and Vasca de Gama who is an older pirate who has been around for a long time, he is somewhat kooky, crazy, and losing it. There’s also Finale the Periwinkle and HACKIN’ EVE BONES who are the cannon smiths, and PIRATE BELLA THE BITTER who is the medic, bartender and swordsman.

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