Monday, April 23, 2007


Main Characters
Jim Skully One-Eye
Kyle Lurg The Fist
Kayla Bella Dizzy The Bitter

Supporting Characters
Emily Audra Bellamy
Condi Yellow Condi Hackins
Manda Hackin’ Eve Bones
Sam Finale The Periwinkle

Recurring Characters
Heather Ursula Birdwind
Steve Chester Buoy
Vasca De Gama

Captain Hook (CH3)
Greys Blome (CH3)
Cap’n Daris Bluebeard (CH3)
Ms. Maeghan Belle (CH3)
The Deadly Seven (CH5)
The Jackalopes of Tora Bora Bora (CH5)

more characters will be added as the story continues

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.